Sunday, January 11, 2009

Lampworking workshop with Heidi Lowe

On Saturday I took a one day lampworking workshop with Heidi Lowe at UWM. The metals department has been turned into a lampworking studio over the break. There is a class in the metals studio completing a project with Heidi over the 3 week class. They have setup a blog as well. Here is their blog. They don't have much up now, but will very soon. I think they are posting research for their projects, and I'm excited to see what they come up with. Maybe we will see some images of what they are working on too. Saturday was a lot of fun! We started at 10:00, Heidi demo'ed and went over safety and then we just made beads. All the glass and tools were provided and all we had to do was make. She brought in some of the work she has been experimenting with over the years that she has worked through this process, so it was nice to play around with a different material for a day. Heidi is really great. She runs the Heidi Lowe Gallery in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. I get to pick up my beads tomorrow, so it will be exciting to see what worked out and what didn't work out. I haven't worked with glass before, but hopefully one of the many experiments I tried will work out and I will be able to make myself a nice piece of jewelry.

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