Saturday, September 5, 2009

Elizabeth Brim Blow up

Elizabeth Brim Blow up
Originally uploaded by arthur hash
This amazing little video is a re-post from my friend Arthur Hash who teaches at SUNY New Paltz...but I think this is from Penland this summer. Elizabeth Brim, who is a wonderfully talented lady blacksmith (and a real hoot to party with) makes a variety of girly things out of steel, including high heel shoes, hats, chairs and pillows. This is a video of her using what I believe is compressed air to blow into her steel pillow and blow it up while it is still red-hot!!! Amazing. Thanks Arthur!

1 comment:

Erik Peterson said...


Sarah this is Erik from the "Emerging Artists Gallery" this Fall. I was just looking at the schedule for Penland this spring and found Elizabeth Brim's class. So I googled her and your blog popped up... weird.
Now there is no way that I can pass up taking a workshop her.
wish me luck.

Hope all is well with you