Sunday, October 5, 2008

Arline Fisch at the Racine Art Museum

What an amazing week it has been! Yesterday I traveled to Racine, Wisconsin to hear a talk by Arline Fisch about her new installation at the Racine Art Museum. Arline has had such an amazing life of experiences and started working with metal in the early 1960s. She retired as an educator from San Diego State in 2000 and has exhibited extensively all over the world. She is an amazing lady too, she was very easy to talk to and super nice. I told her I was so excited to see that after all this time she is still working and showing and re-creating herself.

The show is full of her work from her early work until this series being her most recent. This series is the largest she has ever worked with her woven wire and the first time she has worked in the format of installation art. Finally seeing the work up close made me realize that it isn't all silver wire as I thought before. She actually prefers working with annodized aluminum because she loved the colors that she can achieve. I also really liked the neckpiece she was wearing, a true result of the processes she has been experimenting with over the years. What a great view from the street, all the work is installed in the windows and looks like the jelly fishes are just swimming by. Arline said that at night they have a light aqua color covering the lights, as well as fans going so it really looks like the pieces are swimming by. I must go back at night to see them, they were so active during the day, I can only imagine at night how they looked. Plus I think the images will be much better at night time when the reflections aren't as strong.

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